Become A Member


Types of Memberships and Fees:

  1. General Members- Fee of Tk. 500 a year
  2. Life Members- One-time fee of Tk. 3000
  3. Honorary - N/A
  4. Associate-N/A

Eligibility for Membership (Who can be a member):

  • General & Life members- Holders of Bachelor, Masters, PhD/MPhil/DBA or equivalent degrees and any other degrees offered by the Department of Management, University of Dhaka shall be eligible for a General & Life Members. Only General & Life Members shall beeligible to cast vote and seek election for any position in the Executive Board.Faculties of the department of management, university of Dhaka, who did not graduate from the department of management, university of Dhaka,  shall be eligible to be member without voting rights and shall not participate in the EC.


  • Associate-The eligibility of an Associate member shall be decided by the Executive Board.  An Associate member shall neither cast vote in the election for any position in the Executive Board nor shall seek election for any position in the Executive Board.


  • Honorary-The eligibility of an Honorary member shall be decided by the Executive Board.  An Honorary member shall neither cast vote in the election for any position in the Executive Board nor shall seek election for any position in the Executive Board.

